Teaching Standards and Learning Targets
Credit is an essential component of financial education yet too often the classroom lessons stop at spending, budgeting and saving. The CARE content is stipulated in national and Kentucky standards, as you will see below. Certainly the financial decision making, prioritizing goals and long-term planning cut across other instructional disciplines. Below you’ll find the national…
View the Teaching Standards and Learning Targets »
Credit Education Lessons & Activities
Below are some lessons and activities that you can use in the classroom. Use these lessons before a presentation to get your students thinking about financial literacy, or use them afterward to keep the conversation going. We’ve also compiled a list of external websites and resources in which you may be interested.
CARE Team Challenge
Full Lesson » CARE Team Challenge
Defining Bankruptcy
Full Lesson » Defining Bankruptcy
Econ Ed Mobile Learning App for iPhone
Full Lesson » Econ Ed Mobile Learning App for iPhone
Develop a Budget and Live by It
Full Lesson » Develop a Budget and Live by It
Making a Purchase Decison and the Decision Making Grid
Full Lesson » Making a Purchase Decison and the Decision Making Grid
Resources Around the Web
Current credit legislation, research and financial data are easy to find on the web. Banks, credit unions, Federal Reserves, the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions, Kentucky JumpStart Coalition and the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority all have up-to-date information that you can use in the classroom.
Here are some other financial literacy resources that you can utilize.
- It All Adds Up
- The Mint
- 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy
- MoneyWiseTeen.org
- care4yourfuture.org/educators
- Money Wise
- Debt Slapped
- Car Shopper App
CARE Booklet Pages
Some of the CARE booklet pages lend themselves to activity and student engagement. Below are a selection of these individual pages to help you focus students on selected financial topics.
- Making a Major Spending Decision (p. 6) (pdf)
- Develop a Budget and Live by It (p. 9) (pdf)
- Cards! Cards! Plastic! Plastic! (p. 10) (pdf)
- Credit Card Bill Sample (p. 13) (pdf)
- The Real Cost of College (p. 24) (pdf)
Video Series
There are several excellent sources for videos that can be used with middle and high school students. We suggest:
- Credit and You 7 short, animated video lessons with credit lessons and activity
- The Econ Lowdown from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank