Step 1 – Communicate with the KBF
Inform the Kentucky Bar Foundation about your interest in the CARE program. The Foundation provides the statewide coordination for the program and the student materials you will need.
Step 2 – Coordinate with High Schools
The CARE program may be presented at any time during the school year. CARE can be offered by one attorney at one high school or scheduled as a county-wide project at multiple schools on the same days. Featuring the CARE program at multiple high schools on a selected date is an opportunity to showcase the volunteer activity and have greater community awareness and impact.
Determine the high schools you will invite to participate. Contact each high school principal Use the CARE website to introduce the Credit Abuse Resistance Education program content and format. Determine the best day(s) and time(s) to schedule the CARE presentation(s) and how many class sessions needed. Find out the number of students who will be involved for the CARE booklet order.
Note: Schools provide classroom space, Internet access and computer with projection and a teacher in the room for the CARE presentation.
Step 3 – Recruit Attorneys
Recruit the number of attorney volunteers needed to present the CARE program on the determined dates and times in your selected high schools. Schedule each of the volunteer attorneys to a presentation time slot at each high school.
The CARE program is presented to high school seniors in a classroom setting of 20-30 students. For example, if the high school has 100 seniors, four to five presentations may be offered by multiple attorneys.
Step 4 – Request CARE Booklets
Request CARE booklets from the Kentucky Bar Foundation for the appropriate number of students in your selected high schools. Allow 3 weeks to receive booklets. The booklets will be shipped to the attorney assuming the role of CARE Program Coordinator. This person then will make arrangements for the delivery of the CARE booklets to the participating high schools; or to the attorneys at an orientation prior to the CARE presentations.
Step 5 – Coordinate Attorney Preparation/ Orientation
Attorneys should prepare for their high school CARE presentation by previewing the Presentation Tips on the website and becoming familiar with the CARE booklet contents. You may choose to conduct an orientation meeting to brief the volunteers (see the attorneys page), distribute CARE booklets and kick-off the event. The Kentucky Bar Foundation can assist with orientation planning in your county. Attorneys receive 2 hours of CLE credit for participating in this community service program. The CLE form is on the CARE website.